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Private Hospital Saves 90% on Time to Recruit

One Healthcare improves candidate experience and recruitment management whilst saving time.

One Healthcare Partners develops and operates modern, purpose-built private hospitals. It opened its first in Ashford during March 2016 and a second in Hatfield by December 2017. Recruiting successfully is core to its success.

Most leaders agree that recruiting in healthcare is challenging. “Our strong reputation for excellence doesn’t protect us from a shortfall in skilled workers, says Andy Bass, One Healthcare’s HR lead. “Nevertheless, we must attract and hire talented people for theatre, ward, outpatient care and lots of other functions.”

In-house recruiting is commonly agreed to be the most cost effective approach to hiring. However, teaming around the selection process across a large estate can be tricky. “We wanted a system to include our managers and control recruiting activities, but we didn’t want to alienate them. We wanted HR to manage a system with the goals of becoming more efficient, responsive and compliant. We also wanted to make recruiting easier for everyone”, says Andy.

The requirements for One Healthcare

One Healthcare thought carefully about its requirements. “When we reviewed our existing IT systems, we found that we only use parts of them. We thought very carefully about what we would use in a new recruitment system.” The HR team concluded that advertising, application distribution and chasing managers for feedback took the greatest amount of time. “We wanted to speed up internal turnaround of candidates and engage with them faster” says Andy. Faster review and shortlisting would give us more time to court the most talented applicants.

After careful consideration, One Healthcare’s prioritised the following requirements:

  1. Post jobs to One Healthcare’s website and various jobsites automatically.
  2. Flexible inclusion of line managers in the shortlisting phase.
  3. Robust information collection from applicants.
  4. Controlled automation of candidate rejection.
  5. Communicate with all applicants, regardless of outcomes.
  6. Ease of use for candidates and line managers alike.

One Healthcare reviewed several well-known Applicant Tracking Systems. “It’s easy to buy into features that we might not use. We stuck to our guns and we’re delighted that we did.”

“Selecting CVMinder became an easy choice for us” says Andy. It was extremely good value when compared with others and it handled all of our core requirements”

ATS Implementation

Implemented took one week. “They asked for some details and built a system that works in the way we wanted. Training was comprehensive and the system is very easy to use.”

“Publishing jobs on our website and jobsites is automatic. It took our webmaster five minutes to add CVMinder to two of our web pages. We can choose the right web page to display any job directly from the system.”

Recruitment Results

According to Andy, “CVMinder makes recruiting easier and faster. Managing all recruiting across two hospitals is straightforward. We can alter individual user permissions to minimise or extend views and privileges. That helps with Data Protection and corporate responsibility. Centralising everything gives us oversight and we can support managers during shortlisting if needed.”

HR people change too. Handing recruiting from one HR person to another or one manager to another has become seamless. That prevents delays in processing and improves the candidate experience.”

Here’s a summary of the biggest gains:

  • 90% time saving
    Jobsite and website advertising is automatic once adverts are live. Applications are immediately visible to HR and the appropriate manager(s). Managers can only access jobs and applicants that are appropriate to them. They see only the details we permit for shortlisting. “We can also automatically exclude certain applicants and avoid forensic review” says Andy. “The time saving is huge. We estimate 90% across these areas.”
  • Improved agility and candidate response
    Personalised communication to applicants at each stage is simple and quick too. “The overall status is clear at any time, so we can move things along and get back to applicants faster. That improves outcomes”, says Andy. “It is genuinely important to us that every applicant receives updates from us and we can do that quickly and efficiently now”.
  • Easy shortlisting control
    One Healthcare can change the way shortlisting works on a job by job basis. “We can use automated scoring, individual or even panel scoring for specific roles.” Flexibility here helps everyone identify the best applicants and helps One Healthcare meet its obligations to fair recruiting practices.
  • Meeting corporate responsibility
    “We collect a lot of detail in a job application” says Andy. “There are some great options for hiding protected characteristics and other details during shortlisting. That helps with our HR commitments to quality and fairness during selection. As for management reports, One Healthcare has said goodbye to spreadsheets and tracking data by hand. “All the information we need is available in reports.” says Andy. That includes equal opportunities data, candidate sources, shortlisting performance and lots of other information.”

What does it mean for One Healthcare?

One Healthcare has improved the speed and accuracy of its recruiting. “We feel that everyone has a better experience” says Andy. That includes candidate and managers. Recruiting is easily managed with less time and to our advantage as a business. “Hiring has been successful despite tight advertising budgets and difficult market conditions. Meeting corporate responsibility objectives is easier also.”

CVMinder ATS helps One Healthcare from the start to the end of the recruiting process. It was easy to implement, simple to use and Managers like it.

One Healthcare enjoys a levels of support that feels premium. “If we have a question or an issue, we pick up the phone. The team is very professional and always helpful. They support our candidates too if they ever have an issue. We have shared our product ideas and they have delivered new features for us without charge. Our relationship is excellent and we would highly recommend CVMinder ATS to any organisation in healthcare or beyond.”