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Tes Jobs denying application redirection to key jobsites

In a recent move, Tes Jobs is denying application redirection to some jobsites / job boards. Whilst reports are presently unconfirmed, our understanding is that these may include eTeach and MyNewTerm.

Why is Tes Jobs denying application redirection to some jobsites?

The short answer is that some jobsites are competitors to Tes Jobs.

Sites like eTeach and MyNewTerm operate as jobsites with some applicant tracking capability. Let’s suggest that you use both Tes Jobs and eTeach. You might use the applicant tracking features of eTeach. In this case you’ll want to advertise a teacher vacancy on Tes Jobs and redirect your applicants to apply on eTeach.

The problem for Tes Jobs is that eTeach has captured a new jobseeker that may have cost Tes Jobs a lot of money to acquire. Registering new jobseekers costs marketing dollars for any jobsite. In addition, eTeach can now market other vacancies to that jobseeker. It benefits from greater applicant numbers per vacancy over time. That is great for eTeach, but a loss for Tes Jobs.

What about the Applicant Tracking System?

Is this a problem for those schools using jobsites with applicant tracking functions? The short answer is ‘probably’. If an applicant isn’t redirected to the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), consistent applicant processing will be unachievable.

A school also wants the freedom to change jobsites for reasons of cost or return. Changing jobsite shouldn’t come with the burden of losing its ATS too. Changing an ATS can be a big undertaking for any school. It’s procedures, processes, audit trail and back catalogue of applicants are all in its ATS.

Despite the potential issues for some schools, we support Tes Jobs and their interest in denying application redirects. Tes Jobs is a premium education jobsite. We believe that it should be allowed to protect its own market position.

Separate your ATS from your jobsites

CVMinder ATS for education recruitment does not operate as a jobsite. Schools have access to only the applicants of their own vacancies. There is no public listing of all school jobs on CVMinder. By cooperating with Tes Jobs our customers can continue to enjoy application redirection in the future.

CVMinder ATS can post your vacancies to numerous jobsites, including Tes Jobs, eTeach and Indeed. Set up your applicant journey, share shortlisting, manage interviews, offers and employment checks. Do that in a stable system that doesn’t change when you change your jobsites. Ask your Account Manager for more details.

Care & Support Jobs – Free Job Postings

We’re pleased to announce that we have integrated CVMinder ATS with a free jobsite that’s made just for the care industry; Care & Support Jobs.

Care & Support Jobs is managed by Cohesion and underpinned by their partner’s jobsite software. Cohesion is actually a specialist recruitment company based in the Midlands. You might imagine a conflict of interests here, but Cohesion doesn’t appear to leverage the job listings. Instead, they seem genuinely keen to give something back to the industry. We like that.

Unlike other jobsites CVMinder ATS integrates with, this one requires individual customer request and setup. At their discretion, Cohesion will create a free account for you, just so long as you are a care provider and you meet their strict criteria. This is a necessary step if you want to enjoy the benefits of a free care jobsite. Once complete, your jobs can be listed and listing your jobs is made easy with CVMinder ATS. When you publish your job on CVMinder ATS ( a recruitment system for care), it will post to Care & Support Jobs alongside Indeed, GOV, Google and numerous others.

If you would like to be considered for free job postings on Care & Support Jobs then please talk to your Account Manager. We’ll be happy to help.

CVMinder ATS links to Tes Jobs

Tes Jobs is the UK’s premier jobsite for teaching and other education vacancies. For any School, College or University, Tes Jobs is sometimes the best option to attract hard to find teachers, department heads and key support staff.

Posting jobs on Tes Jobs is straightforward, so long as it is the only job board a school uses. For those schools posting vacancies on numerous jobsites, doing this by hand takes time.

Applications from Tes Jobs generally arrive separately from other sources too. Schools must then collate all applications ready for selection by the appropriate people. Sorting and managing applications in this way takes time and it can be insecure. Many print personal details or application forms to make the process simpler for participating staff members.

Post to Tes Jobs and centralise all applications automatically

CVMinder ATS sends all the details of your vacancy to Tes Jobs. Upon receipt they check and post your vacancy within 3 hours. Your Tes advert will be conveniently linked to CVMinder ATS. That means candidates will be automatically redirected to apply on CVMinder ATS. That helps schools because all applications from all sources will be conveniently available for review in one secure system. There’s no need to print and distribute application details because shortlisting can be managed online.

In summary CVMinder ATS posts your vacancy on Tes Jobs at the click of a button and all applicants will be centralised, visible to only the right people and ready for shortlisting.

What is CVMinder ATS?

It’s the best Applicant Tracking System for education because it is designed for the rigorous recruiting requirements of those with safeguarding requirements, like schools and care providers.

Schools can control their applicant journey, receive applications from any source and manage the entire recruiting process easily. Team up with CVMinder ATS to securely share applicant details so you can save time and improve efficiency.

Contact us to find out more.

talent.com partners with CVMinder ATS

talent.com is building a head of steam in the UK. It’s a job board with some handy tools for applicants, including:

  • Salary comparison
  • Take home pay calculator

CVMinder ATS is now integrated with talent.com so that employers can advertise jobs for free. That’s great news for CVMinder ATS customers because budgets are always under pressure. Customers can track where applicants in CVMinder AYS and by demonstrating their value to UK employers, talent.com hopes that you may choose to sponsor some adverts to further improve results.

Here’s the talent.com announcement

We just want to say thanks to the talent.com team for making the integration easy to complete. We hope that our customers find it valuable.


The CVMinder Multipost module integrates with numerous useful job boards so that you can advertise your vacancies effortlessly. All applications appear in CVMinder ATS ready for shortlisting, interview management and more.

If you would like to find out more about our partnership with talent.com or more about CVMinder ATS, please contact us. We are here to help.

Free Job advertising with CVLibrary

Recruitment budgets are under pressure and many employers are keen to find free job advertising options that really do work. Maybe that’s because many HR heads have told us that paid job advertising hasn’t lived up to its promise.

Job boards are not wholly to blame for the success of any job advert. Employers could often take a little more time to understand How to write adverts that get more job applications.

That said, some employers have a golden touch. They have achieved great hiring results by selective use of free job advertising on job boards that work. The trick is to know when to switch up to a paid option without gambling your recruiting budget.

Indeed got there first

It is common knowledge that Indeed has been the market leader for free job advertising in the UK. You can advertise a job for free and pay to boost your advert if and when required. Successful free job advertising with Indeed takes away the uncertainty when you want to spend some money to improve results.

We do know that some of you have your views when it comes to Indeed. However, we should all be thankful that free job advertising has made Indeed a valuable enabler for the UK jobs market.

Here’s some great news; Now CVLibrary wants to do the same.

Free job advertising with CVLibrary

As one the the nations’s favourite job boards, CVLibrary has finally introduced a free job advertising option of its own. Employers must post their free job adverts via an integrated Applicant Tracking System (ATS). As a recognised CVLibrary partner, CVMinder ATS supports free job advertising on the CVLibrary job board network. That doesn’t include the CVLibrary main site, but does include all of its other job boards.

Why does CVLibrary offer free job advertising?

The CVLibrary team is certain that CVMinder ATS customers will receive high quality job applications from free job adverts. The number of applications will be limited, but should be enough to prove that CVLibrary is a great option for advertising Care, Education and many other types of vacancy.

What is CVLibrary?

CVLibrary is one of the most successful job boards in the UK. It covers most market sectors and owns a number other job boards too. Feedback from customers is pretty consistent. They tell us the CVLibrary team is smart, professional and very helpful.

Is posting free adverts to CVLibrary easy with CVMinder ATS?

The CVMinder MultiPost option makes job posting very easy. It uploads your adverts to CVLibrary with just one click. That means that you can advertise with CVLibrary with no additional cost and no additional effort.

CVMinder supports the CVLibrary Apply mechanism. That partly completes the CVMinder application form on behalf of the applicant. Applicants can then correct any personal information and complete any outstanding sections before submission.

Free job advertising on Monster

Free job advertising on Monster

There’s an old saying that if it’s too good to be true, it’s probably not true. That’s unless we’re talking about free job advertising on Monster. The Monster Jobsite was one of the very first recruitment websites in the UK.  It has been a leader for years and is considered to be one of the pioneers of online recruitment.

Now CVMinder has teamed up with Monster to give you a free job advertising option. It’s true; your jobs can be advertised without paying a penny. 

What you need to have free job advertising on Monster

If you already use CVMinder ATS, contact your Account Manager to make sure your ATS subscription includes MultiPost. CVMinder’s MultiPost module advertises your jobs on select job boards for you. That includes free options like GOV Find a Job or Indeed and your subscription jobs boards like TotalJobs or CareHome.co.uk

If your CVMinder ATS subscription checks out, you’ll be good to go. We’ll set things up so that you can start advertising on Monster for free straight away.

Why will I get free jobs advertising on Monster?

That’s a great question. The job advertising market is changing and Indeed has been the the biggest jobsite for a number of years. Some say it has been so successful because it gives employers free job advertising.

If you ever purchased advertising options from a job board or jobsite, you’ll know that results are never guaranteed. It’s a gamble. However, if you are getting results from free adverts, you’re more likely to invest in that job board when the time is right. Lots of employers have been spending money with Indeed, so free job advertising must be good for business.

So, jobs boards like Monster are fighting back. Free job advertising is the name of the game and that’s great news for you.

Is there a downside to free job advertising on Monster?

No. There’s no downside, but your free job adverts won’t perform quite as well as paid or ‘sponsored’ adverts.

Free adverts are called organic job postings by Monster. Just as with Indeed, your free adverts will decline in search results more quickly than any sponsored adverts. Sponsoring means paying to make sure your job advert stays higher in jobseeker search results.

Your adverts won’t be branded either. Your company name will be visible and the advert looks great, but there will be no logo or other livery.

What happens when someone applies to my free Monster job advert?

So, CVMinder ATS has posted your free job advert on Monster. Somebody finds it and tries to apply for it. What happens next? The applicant will be redirected automatically to your application form on CVMinder.

Using CVMinder ATS you’ll have all the controls you need to collect the right information and process the applicant quickly and efficiently. That’s great for any organisation, but regulated employers like Care Providers and Schools collect lots of information. Don’t worry. We have you covered.

Tell me more about CVMinder MultiPost

There have been two barriers to using free job boards:

  • The time it takes to post your free job advert on each one
  • The quality of applicant you receive

CVMinder MultiPost saves you posting time. It connects your CVMinder system to your job boards and advertises your jobs automatically. The more job boards you use, the more time you save.

CVMinder ATS makes sure that applicant quality remains high. All applicants enter the application process you create. You can make applying super easy or you can increase the workload. We’ll help you find the right balance to encourage just the more motivated, higher quality applicants to apply for your job.

About CVMinder ATS

Customer agree that CVMinder ATS is the best Applicant Tracking System for employers like Care providers, Schools, Colleges, hospitality and other companies that want to recruit for themselves.

CVMinder is quick to set up, easy to use and gives an employer full recruitment control, from advertising and selection to interviews, offers and on-boarding.

Contact us for more information.

Free Job Posting Sites for Employers

Free job posting sites for Employers

Welcome to our series on making recruiting easy. We try to answer the most common questions from HR and internal recruiters. The series covers recruitment process, technology and regulation. Up next: free job posting sites for employers.

The great news is that free job posting sites / free job boards do exist. Employers can use them today, but the big question is whether free job advertising works. We take a look at which free job boards and job sites are best by comparing them.

We’ll be taking a look at the following free job posting sites and options:

How we compare free job boards

Free job adverts are a great way to save money, just so long as jobseekers can find them and apply for your jobs. To compare free job advertising options fairly, we used the same criteria for each one:

CriteriaMeasured As
DiscoveryAppearance in job search results
Job typesSupport for job types such as permanent, contract, etc.
VacanciesThe number of jobs advertised across the UK
Ease of usePosting and application process
Unique featuresAny that have merit

Discovery – finding a free job board in search results

Most jobseekers start with an in internet search, so that’s where we started. We tested whether each job board appeared in our search results.by using the same search terms on two popular search engines; Google and Bing. We checked the results to find out where each free job board appeared in the results. Our search terms included:

  • “Jobs”
  • “Recruiter jobs in London”
  • “HR Jobs”
  • “Care jobs”

During our tests, some job boards appeared only occasionally on page one of the results. That is because some were paying for visibility and clicks. For fairness we measured only natural search results and eliminated all paid results from our tests. That is because individual job board adverts may be short-lived or outcompeted over time.

GOV Find a Job

Universal JobMatch was updated in 2018 to become GOV Find a Job. It is one of the most widely used free job posting sites and it is used by employers and agents alike. GOV Find a Job is owned by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).

A great feature of Find a Job is that every employer is approved by the DWP before their jobs can be made available in search results. That’s good news for an industry that suffers from a good deal of spam advertising.

GOV Find a Job is easy to use, well governed and allows employers to redirect applicants to their own application forms. It also supports automatic upload from a supporting Applicant Tracking System. It fares quit well in search results and has a significant number of job postings.

Google SearchFair
Bing Search Excellent
Job TypesFair
VacanciesGood (200,000 +)
Ease of UseGood
UniquesDisability Confident employers get kitemark


Indeed has remained one of the best free job posting sites for employers since it first came to market. It supports 2 types of job listing; organic and sponsored. The organic job postings are Indeed’s free option.

A free job posting on Indeed declines in search results more quickly than sponsored jobs postings. However, optimising adverts is a good way to gain quick wins from any free job posting. Employers get some great results and most have successfully recruited new employees using free adverts alone.

Indeed may be successful because it performs well in internet search results. Most jobseekers have heard of Indeed and many have used it for job searches.

Google SearchExcellent
Bing SearchExcellent
Job TypesExcellent
VacanciesExcellent (700,000 +)
Ease of UseGood

Google for Jobs

Google for Jobs is the newer kid on the block. We have included it in this review even though it isn’t a traditional job board. Other job boards allow employers to post and manage their adverts, but Google for Jobs is different.

Google collects jobs from lots of websites and aggregates them all in one, convenient online space for jobseekers. Each job on Google for Jobs must therefore exist elsewhere and it must conform to a set of rules. Those rules include the addition of structured data to the job and the inclusion of an application form.

The best Applicant Tracking Systems notify Google when a new job is advertised. That shortens the time it takes to place a free advert on Google for Jobs.

Google for Jobs is an increasingly important option for employers. It remains high on search results for jobseekers and it is mobile friendly. Whilst Bing users may not find Google for jobs easily, there are more Googlers than Bingers.

Google Search Excellent
Bing Search Poor
Job TypesGood
Ease of UseDetermined by destination URL
UniquesOwned by Google


Adzuna lets you post job adverts and receive applications for free. It also supports sponsored advertising. If you do sponsor your job adverts, Adzuna claims to publish them to over 100 job sites.

In our experience, Adzuna is a useful free advertising option, but applicant numbers can be low if you don’t pay to sponsor them. To their credit, Adzuna doesn’t try to hide this in any way. The benefit of posting might be small, but a suitable Applicant Tracking System (ATS) should post your vacancies to Adzuna automatically. If you have an ATS that posts to Adzuna you should use it. It takes no effort with an ATS and your next great hire could potentially come from Adzuna.

One point to note with Adzuna is that it may choose to upload your vacancies to LinkedIn. Depending upon the type of vacancy, this can prove valuable in attracting more applicants.

Google Search Fair
Bing Search Fair
Job TypesGood
Ease of UseEasy
UniquesPotential LinkedIn repost


LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. Keep that in mind as you review the search results for Bing, Microsoft’s search engine, versus Google.

The LinkedIn job posting section operates on a pay per click (PPC) basis. Post your job for free then set a budget to stay in control of overall spend. However, you can post a direct link to your job in company pages or discussion forums. Posting in this way might not achieve the visibility of a formal LinkedIn job, but it’s free.

Our measure of Bing and Google search results reflect the formal job postings on LinkedIn. Search results don’t recognise posts on discussion forums.

Google Search Fair
Bing Search Excellent
Job TypesExcellent
VacanciesExcellent (700,000+)
Ease of UseEasy


talent.com is a useful and increasingly popular free job board option for employers. With millions of unique monthly visitors and options for sponsored and free job postings, it’s one to watch.

Google Search Poor
Bing Search Poor
Job TypesFair
Ease of UseGood

Your Website

Our website is our shop window. Using Google Console and Bing Webmaster helps to identify who visits, how long they stay, the pages they read and so on. With most of our focus on selling our products and services, it’s easy to forget that our website is a key resource for attracting new candidates too.

We should all have a careers section on our website that is easy to identify and access. Try to make sure that every job is current and that each one reflects just a single vacancy. The advert title “Carers required” is less trusted than “Carer” among jobseekers. Allow people to apply for your vacancies online and with any device. All of this is easily achieved with an Applicant Tracking System.

Social Media

Using Social Media is free and can be effective if you have active followers. Try to make sure that new vacancies are published with #job, #jobs, #hiring or similar. Offer a few lines about your vacancy and a link to a page with the full advert and an application form. Again, a good Applicant Tracking System should help you with this.


Each of the free job boards we reviewed has genuine merit. The consistent top pick is Indeed. It is prominent in search results when looking for jobs and Indeed’s free job posting option delivers results.

Posting your job adverts to all of the available free job boards is a worthwhile strategy. The issue for most employers is time.

You should also include Google for Jobs. However, free job advertising here is most easily accessed via an ATS. That is because Google for Jobs does not support posting free job adverts by hand.

It is easy and fast to Post your jobs everywhere with a multipost solution. MultiPost allows you to write an advert once then automatically post it to a number of sites, including free job boards. After all, your next great employee could come from a free job posting on any site that can be discovered by applicants. You won’t want to miss out.

Want to know more?

Customers agree that CVMinder ATS is the best Applicant Tracking System for saving time and reducing recruiting fees. With multipost included, you can reach further to recruit faster and smarter than your competitors. If you want to know more about CVMinder ATS or any of the free advertising options in this article, contact us now.

Is carehome.co.ok the best job board for care homes?

Is carehome.co.uk the best job board for Care?

Recruiting for Care Homes in the UK comes with challenges. You may be trying to reduce recruitment costs by recruiting for yourself. But, where should you advertise vacancies to get the best results for the lowest cost? One emerging option is CareHome. It is focused on the care industry, but is carehome.co.uk the best job board for Care vacancies?

What is carehome.co.uk?

carehome.co.uk is leading comparison site for care homes. Owned and managed by Tomorrow’s Guides, its sister boards are homecare.co.uk and daynurseries.co.uk.

CareHome lists approximately 18,000 individual care homes throughout the UK. Consumer and investor interest in care homes draws significant traffic with over 16 million hits each year. Now the site includes a jobs board for the sector and more care providers are advertising on it. At the time of writing it listed approximately 5,000 vacancies, including Carers, Nurses and Care Home Managers.

Is it the best job board for care vacancies?

There are a few ways to test whether carehome.co.uk is the best job board for care vacancies.

  1. Does a Bing or Google search for “care jobs”, list carehome.co.uk on page 1 search results?
  2. How does the number of care jobs on carehome.co.uk compare with other job boards.
  3. Do care homes report success after advertising on carehome.co.uk?
  4. What is the cost of adverting care vacancies.
Searching for care jobs with Google or Bing

Many jobseekers start their job search by using their favourite internet search engine. We used 3 popular ones to check whether carehome.co.uk appears on page 1 results. This test was conducted on 10th November 2019.

Search EnginePosition on Page 1
BingNear Bottom
DuckDuckGo Not on page 1

carehome.co.uk features on page 1 results of the most common search engines. It also appears in the natural search results, not by paid advertising. That’s good news because it is more likely to remain on page 1. Whilst carehome.co.uk didn’t appear at the top in our tests, it did add the jobseeker’s current location. That makes the listing more relevant and perhaps more enticing to jobseekers.

carehome.co.uk listing on page 1 search results using Google
The number of jobs on carehome.co.uk

These results were compiled on 10th November 2019. We looked at the total search results for “Carer”, “Care Assistant” and “Care Support Worker”. Admittedly carehome.co.uk is more focused on jobs in a care home setting. However, jobseekers like choice and listing a wider selection of local jobs is an obvious advantage.

Job BoardNumber of Care Vacancies
Indeed60,000 +
TotalJobs27,000 +
GOV Find a Job26,000 +
CVLibrary20,000 +
KentJobs500 +

These results don’t favour carehome.co.uk. We question whether a tight industry focus might limit its audience. But, why not try some of your own research with local and other national job boards? That could help you determine the best job board for Care vacancies in your area.

Do care homes report success with carehome.co.uk?

Some of our care customers have used carehome.co.uk, but feedback is very patchy. Application source can be tracked with a good Applicant Tracking System, but there are issues here.

carehome.co.uk forces jobseekers to create an account before applying for any care job and that can be an application barrier. This barrier triggers some jobseekers to search for the individual Care Home website so that they can apply directly. Skipping to an employer’s website is becoming more commonplace but automated tracking of of the applicant source is disrupted. The source appears to be the employer’s website and not the job board.

Reasons for the leap include a worry that current employers might find jobseeker details after creating an account. This is particularly true of job boards with a CV search option and carehome.co.uk offers that.

What does it cost to advertise care jobs on carehome.co.uk?

Advertising costs are a big concern for Care Homes, so it’s good to find that carehome.co.uk prices reflect this. A single job advert can cost as little as £10.

You can also get up to 10 free job adverts if you buy a sponsored listing for your care home. These would otherwise cost at least £100. The annual cost of a sponsored listing is currently £300 + VAT per annum, so free job adverts make this a very attractive option.


carehome.co.uk is visible to jobseekers and focused on the Care Home sector. It’s also good value and buying a sponsored listing seems like the best option to start with. Use your free adverts to find out whether it works for you.

One key worry is that other job boards list more care vacancies than carehome.co.uk Boards like Indeed and TotalJobs also appear higher in internet search results. We would also like to see carehome.co.uk remove an application barrier by making shorter its up-front information request to new jobseekers.

This said, we think carehome.co.uk should be included in the mix of advertising options for care jobs. It is focused and there are few industry focused alternatives for Care Homes. But, the success of any job advert isn’t solely down to your choice of job board. Check out how to write job adverts that get more job applications.

Other Job Advertising Options for Care

Thankfully, alternatives are freely available for care homes. Indeed offers free advertising options for employers. It also offers the greatest number of care vacancies when compared with the other job boards we tested, so it has jobseeker appeal. You can also sponsor adverts. That keeps them in Indeed’s search results for longer and that’s great for your hard to fill vacancies. If you do sponsor adverts, you can be sure that people will see it them. Using Indeed is a no brainer.

GOV Find a Job is a free job board too. This is managed by the DWP and it advertises almost as many care jobs as TotalJobs. With so many care jobs listed, it’s hard to ignore. GOV Find a Job costs nothing and has jobseeker appeal, so its an obvious choice for Care Homes.

Google for Jobs isn’t technically a job board. But, it can be used without charge to display your latest jobs and more applicants are discovering it all the time. You can’t post your jobs by hand on Google for Jobs, but an ATS get them there for you.

The truth is that we don’t know where viable jobseekers will find your next vacancy. The best approach is to advertise in several places. But, that requires more time to advertise and more time to review the less relevant applications that accompany more relevant ones. Care homes are time strapped and on a budget, so, how can we square that circle?

Advertise care jobs in less time, without big budgets

Ideally, Care Homes should advertise on multiple job sites and receive more appropriate applications without effort. Doing this at low cost sounds like an impossible request, but the option is available.

You’ll need an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and one that can distribute your jobs to the right job boards automatically. The best ATS will publish your jobs on your own website, on free job boards like Indeed and on your subscription job boards like carehome.co.uk Your applicants should arrive in one place, having provided all the information you need to make safe, fair shortlisting decisions. By making applicants complete details beforehand, you’ll spend less time reviewing job applications from hapless, 1-click appliers.

An ATS for care doesn’t have to be expensive. It should easily pay for itself by helping you avoid recruitment fees, excessive job board charges and all the admin. In fact, an ATS should save you money.

Want to know more?

For more information on what an ATS can do, read what is an Applicant Tracking System?

If you would like to learn more about choosing an ATS, follow the link to our Free ATS Buyer Guide.

Follow the link to find out why CVMinder is the best ATS for Care.

If you want to skip all that, contact us now to find out how you can advertise care vacancies for less and recruit more successfully.

Post jobs for free on Universal JobMatch

Post jobs for free on GOV Find a Job

Universal Jobmatch was replaced by Find a Job during 2018. It is easier to use and could become one of the largest free job search services in the UK. Find a Job is delivered by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and operated by Adzuna.

Since the first edition of this post, the service has been extended to include apprenticeship vacancies. It’s a great supplement to the GOV Recruit and Apprentice service.

Disability Confident Employer

In addition, GOV Find a Job (Universal JobMatch) job posts have been extended. If you are a Disability Confident Employer, your adverts prominently display the scheme’s kitemark. That helps to set you apart from other employers who aren’t Disability Confident.

Job Posting Statistics

When we first published this post on 1st August 2018, there were a total of 179,498 live jobs on GOV Find a Job. On 3rd November 2019, there were 157,003 jobs.

Presently there is plenty of industry talk about recruiting plans being delayed across many industries. This could related to Brexit. However, changes could highlight a natural difference in recruitment cycles between August and November. 

To present some posting statistics, we’ve chosen jobs in the education, care and hospitality sectors. Sales and Project Manager jobs are included for comparison because they are common roles in other industries. The following table shows the number of live job postings on 2 dates, 15 months apart. Jobs marked in bold are showing an increase in the number of advertised vacancies.

Search Term

Care Assistant
Support Worker
Teaching Assistant
Home Manager
Teacher of English

Other Industry Jobs

Project Manager

Aug 2018



Nov 2019



The number of care jobs advertised on Find a Job has grown significantly. That bucks the trend for other industries. One explanation could be that care providers suffer big funding pressures and free job advertising is an increasingly attractive option.

Whatever the reason, perhaps other industries should follow suit. We can find no good argument to avoid free job advertising on GOV Find a Job.

Opening your GOV Find a Job account

Before you open an account, check whether your organisation is currently publishing vacancies on GOV Find a Job. Just type the name of your organisation in the search bar at https://findajob.dwp.gov.uk/

Opening an account with Find a Job is straightforward, but account activation can only begin after publishing your first vacancy. This can up to a couple of days to complete. The DWP must check that you are a valid employer and this check is good for the jobs market. Your vacancy will be available to jobseekers only after successful validation.

Make free job posting easy with an ATS

There are a number of websites and resources on which employers can post job adverts for free. GOV Find Job seems like a great choice, particularly for Care Providers.

Also consider Indeed, the most widely used Job Board, Google for Jobs, Adzuna and others. However, the time required to post jobs quickly mounts up.

An Applicant Tracking system with a MultiPost feature can post jobs for you to multiple job boards and other resources automatically. It can also make sure everyone follows the same process.

One of the past concerns when using Universal JobMatch was its reputation for poor candidate quality. An ATS redirects applicants to your application form and that dissuades those who are less motivated to apply.

Want to know more?

CVMinder ATS is a low cost Applicant Tracking System. It includes a MultiPost feature so you can post you jobs for free on GOV Find a Job and other job boards automatically. Benefit from more relevant job applications and faster, easier processing from advertising, thru shortlisting, interview, offer and on-boarding.

Care Providers get great benefits and reduce their recruitment costs with CVMinder ATS.

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“Amazing product and service”

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Contact us to find out more or request a free demonstration.

Get more applications with Indeed Apply

More Applicants with Indeed Apply

Indeed claims that you’ll receive more applicants when using Indeed Apply. But, what is it and why is it useful?

What is Indeed Apply?

To make best use of Indeed Apply, you’ll need a good Applicant Tracking System. This flexible Indeed feature allows Indeed jobseekers to apply for your jobs without leaving their Indeed account. In short, your ATS should give your application form to Indeed so that applicants can complete it there.

By avoiding the jump to an external application form, a barrier is removed. Is it a significant one? Most agree that removing any barrier, no matter how big or small, is welcome. Others suggest that redirecting to their own application form presents an opportunity to reinforce the employer brand. They can do this with video, images and other useful information. Both have a point.

Is Indeed Apply just One-Click Apply by another name?

Thankfully, not. One-Click applications often meet groans of discontent from HR and Internal recruiters. Making a job application too easy invites thoughtless applications from the wrong jobseekers.

Indeed Apply allows the best Applicant Tracking Systems to collect all the information you need. Choices should include CV, personal statement, criminal convictions, equal opportunities, driving license information and more. This is not a one-click application because the jobseeker must complete everything before your ATS receives it.

Will we get more applications with Indeed Apply?

The most motivated jobseekers will jump through rings of fire to apply for your job. So, to answer this question, let’s focus on those who waiver.

Some employers in Hospitality, Leisure and other markets recruit lower skilled workers. They want their applications to be short and sweet. These types of job are perfect for Indeed Apply. Avoiding jumps to external forms removes a barrier and makes applying almost as quick as one-click. However, the best Applicant Tracking Systems, such as CVMinder ATS, collect applicant consent before receiving personal information.

Employers with safeguarding obligations, such as those in Care and Education, may see more moderate improvements. That said, a good Applicant Tracking System should help you to get the best results from Indeed Apply.

Now we focus on CVMinder ATS as a good choice when using Indeed Apply. It gives you options for the depth of information you wish to collect. We also offer some recommended for different scenarios.

Method 1: Indeed Apply Basic

‘Indeed Apply Basic’ captures only the essentials from any applicant. In most cases, you’ll receive only their name, email address, telephone number and CV. Indeed Apply Basic also captures the necessary consents for your receipt and processing of their information.

Each applicant gets an account and each is informed of any outstanding information. Applicants are also instructed on how much time remains to complete their application.

Method 2: Indeed Apply Partial

This is similar to ‘Indeed Apply Basic’, but requests Stage 1 information, as controlled by CVMinder ATS. Each application has 2 potential stages:

  1. The information you collect in your initial application form. It’s the same as the information you would collect using the traditional application approach via a URL.
  2. The information collected during a follow-on period. Applicants must access their CVMinder account to complete this information.

In summary, the information you currently request during Stage 1 is replicated on the Indeed platform.

Method 3: Indeed Apply Max

This is similar to the Indeed Apply Partial. However, Indeed Apply Max ignores the staging of the application. Instead applicants must give you all of the information you request during stages 1 and 2. Work History is acquired from the applicant’s structured CV, as created on Indeed. Unfortunately, gaps in work history are not yet detectable on Indeed. However, the candidate can access their account to complete these sections if required.

Some Indeed Scenarios

Here are some scenarios that might help you to decide which method suits you best.

Scenario 1: A Hospitality Company

A Hospitality company wants to make it easier for Indeed applicants to apply for its vacancies. You request a CV, Personal Statement and the answers to a few questions. All the information required can be requested in one stage.

Recommendation: The hospitality company should choose ‘Indeed Apply Partial’.

This will allow Indeed users to start and finish a full application without leaving their account. Their CV and personal statement is often prepared, leaving only your questions and consents to deal with.

Scenario 2: A Care Company

A Care company wants to increase the number of applications it receives from Indeed. The company collects comprehensive information from each applicant. However, it splits applications into 2 stages.

During Stage 1 the care company collects only a CV, personal statement, answers to specific questions, UK working status and disability information. As a Disability Confident employer the company likes to identify anyone declaring a disability early in the process.

Recommendation: The Care Company should choose ‘Indeed Apply Partial’.

Applicants can complete stage 1 of their application, including any disability declaration,  within Indeed. Each applicant is made aware that more information is required and instructed on how to complete their application.

Scenario 3: A College

A College is concerned about using Indeed because it wants only the most motivated  applicants to apply. As an Ofsted regulated employer, the College application form is comprehensive. It wants to maximise the application completion rate.

Recommendation: The College should use ‘Indeed Apply Max

Applicants can complete most of an application in their Indeed Account. Applicants have access to CVMinder to complete their Work History and Education History. Time invested in applications is higher, so applicants may be more motivated to complete them.

Scenario 4: An Internal Recruitment Department

An internal recruitment department wants to remove all barriers to the start of any application via Indeed. It is happy to contact applicants based upon a CV and statement before requesting the best of them to complete their application.

Recommendation: The internal recruitment department should use ‘Indeed Apply Basic

This method is almost frictionless, but allows the applicant to give consent prior to delivering their basic details. In most cases, details received will include:

  • CV
  • personal statement
  • name
  • email address and
  • telephone number

Want to know more?

Contact us now to find out more about Indeed Apply and how CVMinder ATS is making recruitment easy for HR teams and internal recruiters. Customer of CVMinder say that it’s the best Applicant Tracking System for Care, Education, Hospitality and employers in other markets. It’s low cost, easy to use and comes with excellent support for you and your candidates. It also support Indeed Apply. Contact us now to find out more.