We post vacancies to Teacheroo

We are pleased to announce yet another integration to Support our School and MAT customers. CVMinder ATS now posts your jobs to Teacheroo.
What is Teacheroo, you may ask. Well, it’s a jobsite for education vacancies and it has become quite popular in Scotland. They’re gaining momentum in England too.
Our jobsite integrations make posting your teaching, support and leadership vacancies super easy. Just press a button in CVMinder ATS and watch your advert post to your preferred jobsites like Tes Jobs, eTeach, AoC and now Teacheroo. We support lots of other jobsites too, like Indeed, TotalJobs, GOV and CVLibrary. It’s all done in a click and CVMinder ATS can mix free to post options with your subscription jobsites too. All applicants from any jobsite or website undertake the same journey to give you the full application information you need.
Teacheroo also supports the BAMEed network (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic) so that your advert reaches all available jobseekers. That’s a great help when trying to meet your diversity objectives.
Ask us how our best recruitment system for education works for any School or MAT and how we can save you time and money across the whole recruitment journey.
CVMinder ATS makes recruiting easy for any School or Multi Academy Trust.