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Advertise on jobrapido with MultiPost

Advertise jobs on jobrapido automatically

jobrapido is a global job aggregation engine and job search platform. That’s another way of saying a really big job board with lots of jobs on it. It was a subsidiary of Jobsite UK Limited, but Jobsite is now owned by TotalJobs Group. It claims to have over 70 million users and it tries to give them a single platform to access all jobs. Now you can advertise your jobs on jobrapido automatically.


Gaining maximum job exposure at the least cost is a goal for many internal recruiters and HR officers. Recruiting budgets are under pressure and job board selection can be a gamble. Using free job advertising options is an effective way of reducing recruitment costs. But advertising jobs by hand takes time and time is in short supply for internal recruiters.

One answer is to find an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with a jobs MultiPost module. MultiPost can upload your jobs onto your favourite subscription job boards automatically. It should also help you advertise on other job boards too. Options for free job posts are an addictive advertising supplement. With easier control and less effort, some employers are trying more free job advertising before they use up credits on subscription job boards.

Any MultiPost module should advertise jobs on jobrapido for you. It should also help you advertise jobs for free on GOV Find a Job, Indeed and Google for Jobs.

Want to know more?

CVMinder ATS is a recruitment system for employers. It makes recruiting quick, compliant and less costly, from advertising to hire. It has a great jobs MultiPost module that can advertise jobs on jobrapido, other free advertising options and your favourite subscription job boards.

Contact us now to find out how much you can save.

Free Job Advertising on Adzuna

Advertise jobs for free on Adzuna

Recruitment budgets are under pressure, so it helps when you find a place to advertise jobs for free. That’s so long as it produces applicants and the time taken to post jobs doesn’t outweigh the benefits. There are options to automatically post jobs for free on Adzuna, so we should check it out.

The case for Adzuna

Adzuna is a search engine for jobs. Adzuna tries to list ‘every job from everywhere’ and wants to be the best place for jobseekeers to start a job search. To achieve that, Adzuna collects millions of vacancies from job boards, websites and elsewhere. Follow the link to post jobs for free on Adzuna.

Like most free job sites, Adzuna must make money from somewhere. To achieve a revenue stream, employers can sponsor their jobs on a pay per click basis.

Uploading jobs by hand can be replaced by a good Applicant Tracking System. One with a MultiPost feature should post jobs to Adzuna automatically. But, is it worth it?

Does Adzuna work for free job advertising?

The measure of success with Adzuna is the number of job applications it produces. However, the number you receive isn’t solely down to your job board. We should ask three questions to qualify whether Adzuna is good for free job advertising:

  • Can jobseekers find Adzuna?
  • Can jobseekers find your job on Adzuna?
  • Is your job attractive enough?
Can jobseekers find Adzuna?

Most jobseekers start with Google, Bing or other internet search engine. They look for jobs, not job boards. Typical searches might look like “catering jobs in Essex” or “software developer jobs”. The search results guide the jobseeker to a job board. Thankfully, we have seen Adzuna pop up in job searches, so Adzuna gets a tick.

Can jobseekers find your job on Adzuna?

You’ve learned that you can post jobs for free on Adzuna and that jobseekers can find Adzuna. But, can they find your job?

This requires a bit of smart thinking on your part. All job boards, including Adzuna, try to deliver the most relevant jobs in their search results. The search relevance of your job is assessed by the job board and among other details, they consider:

  • Job title
  • Location
  • How long the job has been open
  • Whether you have optimised you advert

So, make sure your job title is one that people search for and that the job location is recognised. Some employers have awkward postcodes or addresses and that can make jobs less visible or appear in the wrong location. It’s also a good idea to expire older adverts and republish them regularly because free job postings re often removed from search results faster than sponsored listings.

Finally, optimise your advert so that the job title is repeated several times. A good Applicant Tracking System should help you do this.

Is your job attractive enough?

This is a big subject and one we can’t cover here in great detail. However, here are some basic pointers:

  • Is the salary clear and appropriate? Avoid zero salaries and statements like “negotiable” or “dependant upon experience”.
  • Make sure the first paragraph reviews the job and not your company. Jobseekers want to know within seconds whether your job is one they should be reviewing.
  • Punctuate your job advert with headings so that jobseekers can scan each section quickly.
  • Use bullet lists so that jobseekers can scan job requirements more easily.

Follow the link to discover how to write adverts that get more job applications.

Should you use Adzuna for free job postings?

Overall, Adzuna seems like a good option. You just need to consider time versus reward and compare it with other great options for free job postings. Arguably, you can get more applicants with Indeed. But why not post jobs to both?

Having an ATS takes away the dilemma. The best Applicant Tracking System, or even a good one, should give you a MultiPost feature. This can automatically post your advert on a number of job boards. Some of those like Indeed, Adzuna and GOV Find a Job offer free job advertising.

Want to find out more?

According to its users, CVMinder is the best Applicant Tracking System for employers in Care, Education, Hospitality and other markets. It manages the whole recruitment process, from advertising thru shortlisting, interviews, offers and on-boarding.

If you want to make recruiting easy, inexpensive and successful, contact us now for a confidential discussion. We’re here to help.

Post apprenticeships to Recruit an Apprentice with the best recruitment system for Training Providers

Post vacancies on Recruit an Apprentice automatically

Training Providers find apprentices and place them into apprenticeship vacancies with local employers. Now Training Providers can post apprenticeships on Recruit an apprentice automatically.

Training Providers

Apprenticeships are big business and Training providers are cashing in. Government-subsidised training fees are a big incentive for employers. But, they need an Ofsted regulated Training Provider to deliver the education component of this great pathway into work.

Training Providers include independent companies, Colleges and some larger organisations with training departments. Each acts like a recruitment agent as they attract, qualify and place people.

All apprenticeship vacancies must be advertised on GOV Recruit an Apprentice (RaP). This is a free service, but one that takes quality seriously. All apprenticeships are quality checked by the service. That means that some apprenticeship adverts can be rejected for missing or inaccurate information. Checking can also take time, so Training Providers have complained that their apprentice can be found well before their advert goes live on RaP.


There are other free apprenticeship adverting options. Post jobs for free on GOV Find a Job, for instance. They recently extended their job types to include apprenticeships. You can also make use of free postings on Google for Jobs. In Kent, post apprenticeships for free on Apprentice Kent. Unfortunately, Indeed will only accept apprenticeship vacancies from RaP.

To post apprenticeships on more than one job board takes time. That is time that Colleges don’t have because they offer their services free of charge to employers. They would like to post jobs on RaP and other services with a single click. The answer is an Applicant Tracking System with MultiPost.

CVMinder HUB

CVMinder HUB is a recruiting system for Training Providers. It manages the full recruitment lifecycle and has a MultiPost function. That means that Training providers can post apprenticeships for free on RaP, GOV Find a Job, Google for Jobs and other websites with a single click.

CVMinder also manages work placements, enrolments and includes a powerful employability module. It helps Training Providers to recruit faster at lower cost and do lots more besides.

Want to know more?

If you post apprenticeships on Recruit an Apprentice you could benefit from posting them more widely with MultiPost. Contact us now to find out more.